[SOLVED] Philosophy of Nursing

[SOLVED] Philosophy of Nursing

Assignment 2: Philosophy of Nursing Scholarly Paper (35% of total grade)
Purpose of Assignment
To provide you with the opportunity to begin to articulate your personal philosophy of nursing.
Assignment Guidelines
As you begin to articulate your own philosophy of nursing, consider the following questions:
•    What is your definition of nursing?
•    What do you believe is the primary goal of nursing?
•    What key values are embedded in your philosophy of nursing? For what reason(s) are these values important to you?
•    Would you describe nursing as an art? Would you describe nursing as a science? Both an art and a science? Explain your choice.
•    In what ways does your philosophy  guide your nursing practice? Provide at least one clear and specific example of a situation in which your  guided your  practice.
•    What is the relationship between your philosophy and the practice standards and codes of ethics/ethical guidelines for nursing practice as outlined by the Canadian Nurses Association and/or the regulatory body for nursing in your jurisdiction (e.g. CARNA, CNO, etc…)?
•    Is there a relationship between your philosophy  and one particular nursing theory? Please explain the relationship between your philosophy  and one particular g theory.
•    Paper should be six to eight pages in length, excluding the title page and references list
Marking Guidelines
Content of Paper (70%)
•    Each element of the assignment guidelines is addressed.
•    Paper integrates material from the textbook, course references and/or other scholarly sources including at least four peer-reviewed journals.
•    Critical inquiry, analysis, and synthesis are evident.
Scholarly Format of Paper (30%)
•    Paper:
o    is clearly written;
o    is within page limit;
o    contains accurate spelling, grammar, and punctuation;
o    adheres to APA (6th edition) format.

our peer-reviewed journals.
•    Critical inquiry, analysis, and synthesis are evident.
Scholarly Format of Paper (30%)
•    Paper:
o    is clearly written;
o    is within page limit;
o    contains accurate spelling, grammar, and punctuation;
o    adheres to APA (6th edition) format.

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