[SOLVED] Perspectives of Normative Ethics

[SOLVED] Perspectives of Normative Ethics

Perspectives of Normative EthicsWhat are the major positions on this issue? What reasonable arguments could be given for either side? Is one position more defensible than the other? Why/how? Make sure to include in your consideration of this issue the perspectives of normative ethics (Virtue Ethics, Deontology, Consequentialism, Ethics of Care) or some of the metaethical views (Realism, Cultural/Subject Relativism, Emotivism, Skepticism, Nihilism).
Consider any of the actions taken or policies established by the Trump or Biden administrations.  Identify and choose one issue addressed by the administration, and discuss it from the perspectives of normative ethics (Virtue Ethics, Deontology, Consequentialism, Ethics of Care). Also discuss how the issue or action taken by the administration fits on the left (liberal) – right (conservative) spectrum for the three areas of policy and values (social policy, fiscal policy, and the role of values in society). Be sure to consider alternatives and pros and cons for the administration’s decisions as well as for these alternatives. Ultimately, what do you think is the best course of action?
Discuss the relationship between Ethics of Care and the other three ethical theories: Virtue Ethics, Deontology, and Consequentialism.  Be sure to define each of these terms and give an original example of a situation in which each of the four theories being discussed would differ in how they approach or assess the example situation.  Is Care Ethics a better approach? Why or why not?  What do you think would be the right, or best, or most ethical way to approach or assess your example situation?
Write about ethical and social justice issues pertaining to the relations between law enforcement and racial or ethnic minority populations and individuals. What are the problems? What are the relevant ethical perspectives? What can or should be done to solve these problems? Choose a specific case and discuss that case from the  perspectives of normative ethics (Virtue Ethics, Deontology, Consequentialism, Ethics of Care) and/or principles like the Doctrine of Double Effect, or Doctrine of Doing and Allowing.

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