Organizational Design Assignment
This is a sample Organizational Design Assignment. Having trouble doing this or any other academic writing project? Order now from Mytoptutor, and have an expert do it for you.
Option #3: International Analysis of Organization Design
# This assignment involves selecting one country outside the U.S. that is of particular interest and relevance to you. The assignment is to write an 8-10 page paper that summarizes the culture of the country and how the culture influences the elements of organization design (organization structure, job design, scanning practices, human resource systems, etc.) and management practices. One option for this assignment is to select a multi-national company that has operations in a particular country as the focus of your analysis. You are also encouraged to review Chapter 6 in the Daft text (Designing Organizations for the International Environment) to generate potential countries and topics for your paper. As with the other selected individual assignments, you will want to integrate your findings with the concepts and principles discussed in the course. Suggested countries and approaches for this assignment will be discussed in class.
Answer the following questions in detail. Need 3 full pages
What is the most important thing that you have you learned about remote work?
How should organization train and support new managers?
Why it important for a manager to become a leader?
1 paragraph-
Name one major event/crisis/occurrence that impacted your life and the world around you. How would you memorialize it? What type of project/monument/statue/writing/etc. would you propose to memorialize it? What criteria are important to you in your conceptualization of a proper memorialization?
2nd paragraph-
Keeping in mind how Dinh Q. Le, Simon Leung, and Binh Danh wove together the various components and revealed the inextricably complicated and multilayered nature of memory, reflect on the following prompt : recall the most vivid memory you have from your childhood. How is that memory constructed? Now think about the images that make up a national memory for you – whether it is the United States or another nation that you have kinship to. Where do those images come from? How have those images come together to make up your remembrance of that memory?
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