[SOLVED] New Frontiers

[SOLVED] New Frontiers

Chapter 27 – New Frontiers, 1960-68
Complete ANY/ONLY 10 of the following 13 questions from this chapter
1. In what respects were the 1960s markedly different from the 1950s in US society?
2. What was meant by the term “New Frontier”?  Explain in detail.
3. What were among the most notable characteristics of John F. Kennedy and his administration
4. Explain US involvement in Cuba in the 1960s.  Discuss the “Bay of Pigs” and the “Cuban Missile Crisis” in your answer.
5. Discuss the nature of growing US involvement in South Vietnam during the Kennedy administration.
6. Describe the key strategies and achievements of the Civil Rights movement in the 1960s.
7. Through what process was integration achieved in schools and public places?
8. Explain the origins and nature of the Black Power movement
9. Provide an overview of Lyndon Johnson’s “war on poverty”.  In what respects did it succeed/fai
10. Describe the key components of Johnson’s “Great Society”.
11. How/why did the US deepen its military involvement in the Vietnam War?  Reference “containment in your answer.
12. What impact did the Vietnam War have on the Johnson administration and its domestic programs/agenda?
13. What factors facilitated Richard Nixon being elected president in 1968?
14. Provide several examples of why 1968 is often characterized as a traumatic year in US history.

Chapter 28 – Rebellion & Reaction, the 60s and 70s
Complete ANY/ONLY 10 of the following 15 questions from this chapter)
1. What were the origins and key characteristics of the “youth revolt”?
2. Distinguish between the “new left”, “old left” and the SDS
3. Provide a brief overview of the upsurge in anti-war protests and violence during the era
4. What was the “counterculture” movement and how was it distinct from other movements of the 1960s-70s?
5. What was characteristic of the womens’ movement during the era?
6. Provide an overview of the Hispanic rights movement—reference the UFW and Cesar Chavez in your answer
7. How did the Native American movement evolve in the era?  Refer to “red power” and the Wounded Knee stand in your answer.
8. What were the “Stonewall Riots” and how were they a catalyst for LGBT rights/activism?
9. Provide an overview of the revival of conservatism.
10. Briefly describe Nixon’s domestic and civil rights agendas.
11. Discuss the economic problems facing the Nixon administration—use/explain the term “stagnation” in your answer
12. How/why did Nixon change the US military strategy in Vietnam?  Use/explain the term “Vietnamization”.
13. Summarize the world order that evolved after the Vietnam War via Nixon’s foreign policy
14. Explain how the Watergate scandal unfolded and assess its political significance.
15-What types of legislation did Congress pass to limit presidential authority in the wake of Watergate/Nixon? New Frontiers New Frontiers New Frontiers

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