Midterm Review Question 2-Carbohydrate and Lipid

Midterm Review Question 2-Carbohydrate and Lipid


breads and grains and healthy fats like avocado        Speaking of carbs and fat…


Once your Midterm Review Question has been graded you will have at least one week to revise it for full

credit. I will make an announcement with the final revision deadline in Canvas, so make sure that you have your announcements set to email to an account you check regularly.

Please note: This is a turn-it-in assignment.  Before you submit this assignment, you will be asked to certify
that it has been completed in your own words and you have not plagiarized any internet source or another

It is very important that you do not copy and paste any of the text of the assignment into your answer.

The turn-it-in software is already built in to the assignment.  You do not need to access the software separately from the assignment.

If you have not used  turn-it-in before, please review our page on checking your turn-it-in score

(https://foothillcollege.instructure.com/courses/23961/pages/checking-your-turn-it-in-score)  in the orientation
module before you begin this assignment.

A score of more than 25% will not be accepted and you will receive a zero for this assignment.  You must
wait up to an hour after you submit the assignment to receive a  turn-it-in score.  If your turn-it-in score is
more than 25% you will have 24 hours from the assignment due date to re-submit it with a lower score.


We’ve started a great discussion of carbohydrate and fat and how they are regulated.  Now that you have made
your first attempt at some of the questions in our discussion assignment, lets go into more detail with the following two questions…

  1. What are three specific ways that consuming soluble fiber can benefit our health and protect us from disease?
    (hint: one of them relates to insulin and glucagon and another to bile). Explain in detail how blood glucose is
    regulated in the body.  What are Type 1 and Type 2 diabetes and how are they related to this regulation of blood
  2. We have heard of the concepts of ‘good’ and ‘bad’ cholesterol. Now that you have reviewed slides 22-24, what
    is the terminology for ‘bad’ cholesterol?  Why is it ‘bad’? (pay special attention to the scavenger pathway and
    atherosclerosis).  How do we define ‘good’ cholesterol?  What does it do?


Let’s do a bit of research now…why do we want to limit saturated fat and trans-fat in our diets?  What specifically do
these fats do? (Hint: your answer should include a discussion of LDL and HDL and how they function in the body)


You will have a chance to revise your answers for full credit.  Go ahead and make a first attempt at

discussing these two questions in detail.  You can begin with your answers to these questions in our

discussion assignment and then elaborate based on what you have learned from other student responses, the text and our lectures.  This is part of our learning process and it is okay to leave some things out during your first attempt here!

Great Work! (10 pts): Adequately discusses in detail the ways in which consuming soluble fiber can benefit our

health.  Includes a discussion of bile, the liver, HDL, LDL and VLDL.  Includes a thorough discussion of insulin,

glucagon, blood glucose, glycogen and gluconeogenesis, the pancreas, hypo and hyperglycemia, Type 1 and Type

2 diabetes, atherosclerosis and the scavenger pathway.

Good Discussion (6 pts, but able to be revised to 10 points): Discussion mentions some of the topics but leaves out
important details or doesn’t go into depth regarding blood glucose regulation or the function of lipoproteins in the

Try Again (3 pts):  The discussion doesn’t go into enough detail and mentions only some of the key elements of the questions posed.  There is very brief or no discussion of  diabetes or the benefits of soluble fiber.  HDL, LDL, and other important terms are mentioned but not explained.

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