Midterm 2 Review Question 2 – Micronutrients
Osteoporosis: Pediatric insufficiency with geriatric consequences
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Now that we have had a chance to discuss some of these concepts regarding micronutrients and health, let’s elaborate on the following questions that focus on osteoporosis…
Describe osteoblasts, osteoclasts and osteocytes. How does estrogen (or its absence) affect osteoclast activity? What are some of the other micronutrients involved in bone deposition and bone and blood health? What is their role?
Now that you have reviewed the importance of estrogen for bone deposition, how do you think this relates to amenorrhea that results from eating disorders or REDS? Is lack of calcium in the diet an issue here? Why or why not? Why is amenorrhea in young adulthood a cause for concern?
The terms you include here will vary based on how you choose to address these questions. Be thorough in your discussion.
Please do your best here. It is okay to make a first attempt and discuss gaps in your knowledge or areas you may need to research further. You will have a chance to revise your answer for full credit. (https://foothillcollege.instructure.com/courses/3682/pages/index-cards-slash-application-questions)
Great Work! (10 pts): Adequately defines osteoblasts, osteoclasts and osteocytes and explains the influence of estrogen on cell activity. Thoroughly explains the role of other micronutrients discussed in lecture that influence bone deposition and blood health. Explains REDS, amenorrhea and what causes it, and relates the explanation to dietary intake. Thoroughly discusses the amenorrhea in young adulthood and the consequences for life-long health.
Good Discussion (7 pts, but able to be revised to 15 points): Discussion mentions bone cells types but does not adequately explain them. The explanation for the influence of estrogen on cell activity does not go into enough detail. Other micronutrients involved in bone deposition and blood health are mentioned but their influence is not discussed. REDS is mentioned but the discussion does not adequately causes and consequences of amenorrhea and life-long health issues.
Try Again (2 pts): The discussion mentions some of the topics but does not adequately define them. The answer is missing some or many of the concepts.
If your turn it in score is too high, you will have 24 hours from the date the assignment is due to revise and resubmit it with a score of 25% or less. You can review our module with tips on how to check your turn it in score here: How to check your Turnitin score (%24CANVAS_OBJECT_REFERENCE%24/modules/ga6f87910546027d799a4e18a0fb3af8e)
You cannot revise or resubmit a submission with an AI score of 30% or more.
Once your assignment has been graded you will have at least one week to revise it for full credit. I will make an announcement with the final revision deadline in Canvas, so make sure that you have your announcements set to email to an account you check regularly.
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