Midterm 2 Review Question 1 – Nutrition and Exercise
Review Question 1: Nutrition and Exercise
Please note: This is a Turnitin assignment. Before you submit this assignment, you will be asked to certify that it is your own, original work. It is very important that you do not copy and paste any of the text of the questions into your answer. A score of more than 25% will not be accepted and you will receive a zero for the exam question.
An AI score of 30% or more will result in a zero and you will not be able to revise or resubmit your essay question. For our first Midterm 2 review question, please elaborate on the following questions:
We can burn various sources in our diet for fuel….which sources of fuel do we use for long term low energy exercise vs. short term, high energy exercise? Why?
When we examine VO2max we can see that the capacity for an individual to use oxygen is very closely related to
the type of muscle tissue that person has accumulated. Activities that include aerobic exercise and the deposition of oxidative muscle tissue will allow an athlete to use oxygen (higher VO2max) than an athlete that has focused on the use of anaerobic tissue. Define the term VO2 max and explain how it differs in athletes based on their activity.
Take a look at the differences between glycolytic and oxidative muscle tissue. Notice that there are three main types of muscle tissue. Define these muscle types and what differentiates them. Give a good description of each type of muscle tissue and be thorough in your explanation for how they differ. Your description should include the terms Type I, Type IIA and Type IIX, oxidative, glycolytic, mitochondria, myoglobin, blood vessels, and a discussion of the fuel sources for each type.
Please do your best here. It is okay to make a first attempt and discuss gaps in your knowledge or areas you may need to research further. You will have a chance to revise your answer for full credit. (https://foothillcollege.instructure.com/courses/3682/pages/index-cards-slash-application-questions)
Great Work! (10 pts): Adequately defines fuel sources for each type of exercise and why. Explains VO2Max in detail with comparisons for different forms of exercise. Gives a thorough description of muscle tissue types using all of the suggested terms.
Good Discussion (6 pts, but able to be revised to 10 points): Discussion mentions fuel sources and exercise and VO2max but does not adequately explain these concepts and how they work. The discussion does not include a thorough analysis of muscle tissue types and uses only some of the suggested terms.
Try Again (2 pts): The discussion doesn’t adequately define fuel sources and exercise, VO2max, or muscle tissue types. A few terms are mentioned but there is little to no explanation or the explanations are incorrect.
If your turn it in score is too high, you will have 24 hours from the date the assignment is due to revise and resubmit it with a score of 25% or less. You can review our module with tips on how to check your turn it in score here: How to check your turn it in score (%24CANVAS_OBJECT_REFERENCE%24/modules/ga6f87910546027d799a4e18a0fb3af8e)
You cannot revise or resubmit a submission with an AI score of 30% or more.
Once your assignment has been graded you will have at least one week to revise it for full credit. I will make an announcement with the final revision deadline in Canvas, so make sure that you have your announcements set to email to an account you check regularly.
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