Microeconomics ECO 201 Research Paper (RP)
The research project is a multi-step writing assignment that culminates in a before and after analysis of a publicly-traded (NYSE or NASDAQ) US firm that has been broken up by the US government or been subject to disciplinary action for violation of US anti-trust laws.
Paper Requirements
The paper will: provide a brief history of the firm and of how antitrust issues led to
the breakup/disciplinary action; discuss the market structure both before and after the breakup/disciplinary action (i.e., using the characteristics enumerated in the textbook for market structures); explain how the nature of goods and services the firm provides to the marketplace have changed; discuss how the firm’s relationship with the US government has changed.
The Research Paper will use at least 4 sources (3 academic but not necessarily peer- reviewed sources and at least 1 peer-reviewed academic source). The textbook can be used but does not count toward the minimum 4 sources.
The Research Paper must include at least two graphs included in the body of the paper (though you may use more), a proper cover page, a references page, table of contents and abstract, have proper APA format throughout the paper (proper margins, proper fonts, page numbers, proper citations), and must be the equivalent of 7 written pages of text using APA properly formatted writing. The cover page, references page, any appendices, table of contents, abstract, and graphs larger than 1/3 of 1 page do not count toward the 7 pages of written text.
The Research Paper will automatically be evaluated for originality using plagiarism detection software. You will find it helpful to review Prof. Battista’s handout “Writing in Economics using APA and Visual Aids: Some Helpful Hints.”
The Research Paper is worth 200 points.
Milestones (MS) – There are 3 Milestones (MS) that must be completed in the process of writing the Research Paper. The MS’s are required and are worth 70 points of the 200 points of the paper.
- MS # 1, Week 4: Research Topic Proposal: Create a new thread on the Research Topic DB to submit your topic for your research This should be one substantial paragraph in which you submit the name of the firm you will discuss, as well as an explanation of the issue and the type of analysis you will use (breakup or disciplinary), providing specific details of your proposed topic. Worth 10%, or 20 points of the 200 points .
- MS # 2, Week 6: Research Paper Sources: On our Research Paper Source DB, post a list of sources in APA format that you will use in your research paper, with a very brief summary (no more than one paragraph) of each Use One Search to locate appropriate peer-reviewed and academic sources. A video from our SPS librarian Joseph Hartnett, telling you how to use OneSearch
through Baruch Newman Library is in the Resources area of our course site.
Worth 10%, or 20 points of the 200 points.
- MS # 3, Week 8: Research Paper Outline: Submit an detailed outline of your It should state your working thesis and outline the main point and sub- points of each body paragraph. Example:
- Main point #1
- Supporting Detail #1
- Specific piece of evidence (cite this)
- Any fine points/notes to self
- Specific piece of evidence (cite this)
- Specific piece of evidence (cite this)
- Supporting Detail #2
- Specific piece of evidence (cite this)
- Specific piece of evidence (cite this)
- Supporting Detail #1
- Main point #1
(Please see the Resources area on the course site for an outline template and a sample version of an outline.)
Worth 15%, or 30 points of the 200 points.
- Week 15: Final Draft of Research Paper Due: Submit the final version of your research Late final drafts will be penalized 10% for each day late; after 3 days overdue, the paper will be worth zero points.
Worth 65% or 130 of the 200 points.
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