[SOLVED] Managing Operations Across the Supply Chain

[SOLVED] Managing Operations Across the Supply Chain

Make sure to show detailed steps and not just the solutions. Managing Operations Across the Supply Chain
The Solved Problems section at the end of the chapters is a good resource for examples.
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Chapter 3: Chapter Supplement: Problem 2 (page 84)
2. You are given the following information. Which of the statements below can you support with this information?
Maximum capacity (labor hours): 480 hours per week
Effective capacity ratio: 85%
Actual time worked: 380 hours per week over the last two weeks
On-time delivery %: 75 percent of the jobs are being completed on time

More capacity needs to be added in the short term to improve performance in the system.
We need to look at variability in the rate at which jobs enter the shop.
Our workforce is not working hard enough.
Our workforce may be waiting on delayed arrivals of inputs needed to do the work.
Describe the reasons why you selected the specific option(s) that you did.

Chapter 9: Problems 2 and 4

2. The following quarter, Aldo’s senior executive (see problem 1) was interested in knowing whether performance had improved. The following table presents order and shipping data collected for the next quarter. How would you answer the senior executive?
3. Suppose a firm, in discussions with customers, learns that customers identify eight factors that they evaluate for every order they receive from suppliers. The firm then finds that its performance is 95 percent on six of these factors and 92 percent on the other two factors. What is the firm’s probable perfect-order performance? (Just for reference)
4. In problem 3, suppose the firm’s performance on two of the 95-percent factors falls to 90 percent. What impact does this have on the firm’s perfect-order performance?
Textbook Reference
Swink, M. (2019). Managing Operations Across the Supply Chain (4th Edition). McGraw-Hill Higher Education (US). Retrieved from https://devry.vitalsource.com/books/9781260442915

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