[SOLVED] Health Care Marketing Research Firm

[SOLVED] Health Care Marketing Research Firm

Health Care Marketing Research Firm

1 . Read carefully Chapter 5 and the different types of samples.
Listed below are the alternative samples obtained by a health care marketing research firm for its clients. Describe the type of sample each represents.
(a) Ten people sitting in the waiting room are asked to describe the ambiance of the facility and the attitude of the receptionist.
(b) The medical school samples alumni regarding an evaluation of their education. Respondents are selected in an amount equal to the same population of specialties from the graduating class.
(c) The walk-in clinic calls every 15th patient who visited the clinic on Wednesday to assess whether the patient was greeted by the receptionist and given a handbook regarding the scope of services and an explanation of how the clinic operates.

2 After reading Chapter 6 answer the following question:

Bethesda Hospital recently has developed an occupational medicine program. It wants to target employers in the Baltimore metropolitan area. The director of the program has a range of services within this program including toxicology assessment, education around issues such as preventing back injuries and stress management, and providing medical treatment at factories, should it be desired.
Suggest three alternative ways the customer base for this new service could be segmented, and indicate how each base of segmentation would result in a change in the marketing mix.
The walk-in clinic calls every 15th patient who visited the clinic on Wednesday to assess whether the patient was greeted by the receptionist and given a handbook regarding the scope of services and an explanation of how the clinic operates.

2 After reading Chapter 6 answer the following question:

Bethesda Hospital recently has developed an occupational medicine program. It wants to target employers in the Baltimore metropolitan area. The director of the program has a range of services within this program including toxicology assessment, education around issues such as preventing back injuries and stress management, and providing medical treatment at factories, should it be desired.
Suggest three alternative ways the customer base for this new service could be segmented, and indicate how each base of segmentation would result in a change in the marketing mix.

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