Food Safety Presentation

Food Safety Presentation


Now that you have thoroughly reviewed our materials on food safety, test your knowledge and share what you have learned with other students in your course.  You can use your book, the slides from the posted lecture, the internet and your own ideas to come up with comprehensive answers to the questions posed. You will find additional readings for this topic in our syllabus:  Food Safety Supplemental Readings-CH 17 Links to an external site.:

In addition, you should choose one microorganism or contaminant that you find particularly interesting (preferably one that you do not know much about) to discuss as item 6.

  1. Describe the three major classes of organism responsible for foodborne illnesses. Give several examples. Which types of foods are most likely to be involved in foodborne illnesses? Why? Why are restaurant outbreaks common?
  2. What trends in food production, transport and purchasing have led to increases in the number of cases of foodborne illnesses? Give several examples with explanations. What about re-useable bags?
  3. List and explain techniques for preventing and reducing food borne illnesses through both cooking and non-cooking techniques. How important is food storage during transport, sale and at home? What are four recommendations that are given for decreasing the risk of toxicity from environmental contaminants? Briefly explain these.
  4. Define ‘food additives’, and give several examples. Briefly explain why they are used. Describe their relationship to the GRAS (Generally Recognized as Safe) list and how additives are regulated.
  5. How do the various governmental/federal agencies work together to maintain the safety of food?
  6. Choose a microbial pathogen, parasite or environmental contaminant to discuss in detail.  How do you become exposed to it?  What are the symptoms and problems it can cause?  How can you avoid exposure?

Don’t forget to come back and review and comment on at least three other student presentations.

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