Empirical Research Surrounding Psychological Interventions

Empirical Research Surrounding Psychological Interventions

For this assessment task you are asked to write a report on the current empirical research surrounding psychological interventions for a selected illness (for Spring 2023 the chosen topic is Chronic Fatigue Syndrome).
This illness is generally perceived to have primary physiological cause, however, there are psychological pathways in the expression and management of symptoms, and therefore a key role for psychological intervention.
Please see below for an outline of key information, as well as some tips on how to achieve a good mark for this assessment (including reviewing the marking criteria). Please also note that there will be time given in Week 6 and 7 tutorials to assist with assessment preparation.
  • Weight: 40%
  • Due Date: Week 9
  • Length: 1,200 words (10% leeway acceptable)
  • Submission Details: Submit via Turnitin by the due date. The link will be available at the bottom of this page, and the late submission link will appear for submissions after the due date
Research Review topic:
  • Chronic Fatigue Syndrome
For the chosen condition, address the following research review question:
Using evidence from empirical research, what psychological intervention appears to be most effective in treating or managing the symptoms of Chronic Fatigue?
Why is this intervention approach more effective than others?
To complete this task well you should: 
  • Identify and explain the illness. 
  • Identify and explain the psychological treatment you have identified as most effective in assisting with symptoms of the illness
    • Explain to the reader: What is the treatment. Why might this treatment be effective in theory?
    • Ensure that your work is based on thorough investigation of psychological literature (using journal database search) 
  • Use current empirical research to explain why this treatment is effective relative to other treatments, consider questions like:
    • In what studies has this treatment been shown to improve symptoms?
    • With what populations?
    • Using which experimental methods?
    • What other approaches has the identified approach been compared with?
    • Why were other approaches less successful? 
  • Conclude by explaining how the psychological approach can be used in holistic treatment of the patient.

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