[SOLVED] Early Childhood environments
Introduction Early Childhood environments should be rich in equipment and materials that are safe, healthy, interesting and engaging for the age group of children for which it is designed. Developmentally appropriate classrooms are characterized by child-initiated activities, active learning, problem solving and positive, warm relationships between teachers and children.
The Assignment
You will design a classroom for preschoolers with a variety of activity centers (minimum of 5) that demonstrates the understanding of a developmentally appropriate preschool classroom.
The Preschool classroom should include:
Minimum of 5 appropriate activity centers
A minimum of 2 exits
A sink
Area for group time
Noted in your design should be:
All activity centers are labeled
All areas support the learning environment
All areas are arranged to promote learning and prevent distractions
Areas should promote self-help skills
Part Two: You must also include a written description discussing how you will incorporate the 5 aspects of an appropriate Early Childhood classroom. (second video). For each of the five aspects a minimum of 5 sentences is needed for each of the sections. You will reflect back on the classroom design you made when addresses these components.
1. Texture
2. Color
3. Furniture
4. Elements
5. Focal Points
***an NCFELD goal must be included (for each of the five aspects) to support your explanation
Options for your design: You can draw your design on paper, scan/take a photo and then attach as a file, you can create a three dimensional model, take a picture and attach as a jpeg file, or create a design in word or paint and attach that. You have many options to choose from for this assignment.
The following links may be useful as resources as you design your classroom layout: (design must be made, not copied or used from a site)
**http://classroom.4teachers.org- (This link does not permit you to save your work, but you can use the print screen key on the right side of your keyboard and the ctrl key on the bottom to drop it into a word document. Press those two keys at the same time on whatever screen you want to copy and paste it where you want it to go, like a Word document)
**http://www.lakeshorelearning.com– (Lakeshore Learning Store, type Classroom Designer in the search bar)
**http://www.communityplaythings.com- (Click on Room Designs)
Grading Criteria
The attached rubric will be used to grade this assignment.
All previous chapters
Chapter 3, pages 95-100
Websites listed above as well as classroom design examples and youtube videos
Early Childhood environments Early Childhood environments
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