Cosmic Myths
1- Read the textbook, lectures, and watch the videos on this module then write a substantive post by answering the following questions
Are there cosmic myths that influence your views, the views of your culture, or daily decisions? If so, which ones and how do they affect you? If not, why do cosmic myths not influence your behavior?
What other ideas do you have about the purpose of origin stories now that you have heard some new ones?
2- Read the creation stories in the Textbook. Then, choose two different creation stories from different cultures. Share the highlights and important aspects of each story. Find the common ground between the stories. Discuss the similarities of cultures and stories.
choose to search one of the following:
African Creation Stories
Australian Aboriginal Stories
Japanese Creation Stories
Creation Stories of India
Greek Origin Stories
Babylonian Creation Stories
Chinese Creation Stories
Egyptian Creation Stories
To receive full credit, your initial response must be 2-3 paragraphs or 300-350 words (for each question) with two additional responses to two of your classmates consisting of 1-2 paragraphs or a minimum of 150 words. You must post one INITIAL response (BY THURSDAY AT MIDNIGHT) for EACH question and a minimum of two other substantive posts (BY SUNDAY AT MIDNIGHT) responding to two or more of your classmates.
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