[SOLVED] case studies for a fictional organization
Introduction to Organization
During this course, you will be analyzing a series of 6 case studies for a fictional organization,
ParlaTech. As we move through the course, you will learn more about the organization, its
employees, and the issues that arise related to HR.
ParlaTech is a technology company that specializes in machine to machine (M2M) communication.
They offer solutions that allow a remote set of machines to send data back to a central hub, where
the data can be measured and analyzed. ParlaTech’s headquarters are in Maryland, but they have
clients all over the world. Most of their engineers and R&D employees work in the US, but they also
have a call center in Bangalore, India.
Case Study, Part 1 Instructions
You are the HR director at ParlaTech. The CEO, Jacob Zielinski, has asked you to meet with him to
discuss some of the ideas she has around tracking candidates for the new job openings in IT and in
the call center.
Case Study Transcript with Jacob Zielinski
Thanks for coming to this meeting. I need a few minutes with you to talk over some ideas I have
about improving our candidate application process for new jobs.
As you know, we have some openings stateside in our IT department. We also have some openings
at the call center in Bangalore. I expect that eventually there will be more and more communication
between these two departments and some of our employees here in IT may need to travel to
Bangalore to train some of the call center employees. Right now, we are outsourcing these
employees, but I think if we had a good applicant tracking system, we could do the hiring and
training ourselves.
The first thing I wanted to talk with you about is the selection of an applicant tracking system. I
would like you to do some research and write a memo with your suggestion on the best system we
can use. I want it to be user friendly so that the applicants can load their résumés and other
documents into it.
Secondly, I want to talk about the sort of information we can request from the applicants. Obviously,
I would like to select candidates that have some familiarity with our technology and can troubleshoot
for our customers. But I am also interested in information about their availability, since our call
center functions 24/7—I’d like to ask if they can work on weekends, holidays, and during night
Please add some suggestions to your memo for how we can obtain this information.
All right, that’s it for now! Thanks for your time. I’ll catch up with you later, but I must run to another
meeting now.
Case Study, Part 1 Requirements
In your memo, include the following:
• your evaluation and recommendation of a real applicant tracking system
• your interpretation of rules and policies regarding employee data collection
• suggestions about what information Parlatech can and should request from candidates for
this position case studies for a fictional organization case studies for a fictional organization
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