Assignment: Evidence Based Research & Library Skills

Assignment: Evidence Based Research & Library Skills

Assignment: Evidence Based Research & Library Skills


Library Skills, Finding and Using Evidence-based Research

This week you have learned how to find current evidence-based journal articles for

your oral health product presentation (due in a couple weeks) and how to use research in clinical practice. I suggest you review my video on this module assignment in the Overview section of the module before you start.

Use this template to complete your written assignment:


Steps of your assignment:

  1. Read and study the
  2. Choose your topic for the Oral Health Research project (discussion).
  3. Using the Foothill College Foothill College Library and EBSCO database “Dentistry and Oral Sciences”, find 3 current evidence-based journal articles for your oral health Go back to the section in this module titled  if you need a refresher or help finding your journal articles.
  4. Save a full-text version of the 3 evidence-based research articles you have chosen for your Oral Health Project as PDF’s to your You must attach the 3 articles to this assignment so that I can approve them for your project.
  5. Complete the assignment template (above), which includes the reference template for each of the three current, evidence-based, peer reviewed journal articles for your oral health aid project and a written paper. If you aren’t sure about the “Levels of Evidence” part of the template, review the section in this weeks module, Evidence­


  • Example of a completed Research Template

Below shows the research template filled out completely for one journal article. You will do this for each of your journal articles for your project. It should have details for each of the sections of the template.

Please double check grading rubric and that you’ve attached all the following items for this assignment:

  1. The completed assignment using the template The template includes these sections:
    • The completed reference template for the three current, evidence-based, peer reviewed journal articles for your oral health aid
    • Written paper, following the format in the template, with NLM citations for the Double check you are using correct NLM format

o  Attach the three full-text articles to your assignment submission so that I can approve them for your project. – it must be a full-text version, not an abstract. Remember your articles MUST be from the Foothill College Foothill College Library – EBSCO database “Dentistry and Oral Sciences”


Evidence-based research paper


Template: EB Research

Use this template to help you format your paper correctly. Remember to write in block style paragraphs, no indenting at the beginning of paragraphs. Put a line space between paragraphs. Use spell and grammar check before submitting your paper. Delete all red directions and the headings I put in italics/red, just keep the black headings.



Module: Evidence-based research for Oral Health Project



Canvas Module: Evidence-based research and library skills

Write one paragraph (5-6 sentences), discuss what you learned in this module about the following:

The levels of evidence in research – discuss the levels of evidence for your three articles

Foothill College library resources for research & the EBSCO database: Dentistry and Oral Sciences – what were the keywords you used to search for your articles?

Discuss how the information in this module was useful in finding evidence-based research literature for your Oral Health Research Project.

Discuss citing sources/references using NLM format and why it’s important to cite sources.



Oral Health Aid Project Research Table: complete all sections of the table below for each of the 3 journal articles for your project

You must use the Foothill College EBSCO Dentistry & Oral Sciences database to find the 3 articles.


Oral Health Aid Project Topic:

Student Name:

1. Title of article: (1) Name of Journal


(2) Year of Publication


(3) Authors


Search Terms – Keywords  (you used to find your articles):


Type of study (see Levels of Evidence pyramid module 7):
Purpose or Aim: Methods, Materials: Major Findings/ Outcomes:


Plan for Your Project:
Conclusions Study Limitations:
Additional Information (URL for your article):


2. Title of article: (1) Name of Journal


(2) Year of Publication


(3) Authors


Search Terms – Keywords  (you used for your research):


Type of study (see Levels of Evidence pyramid module 7):


Purpose or Aim: Methods, Materials: Major Findings/ Outcomes:


Plan for Your Project:
Conclusions Study Limitations:
Additional Information (URL or related articles):


3. Title of article: (1) Name of Journal


(2) Year of Publication


(3) Authors


Search Terms – Keywords  (you used for your research):


Type of study (see Levels of Evidence pyramid module 7):


Purpose or Aim: Methods, Materials: Major Findings/ Outcomes:


Plan for Your Project:
Conclusions Study Limitations:
Additional Information (URL or related articles):





References: Cite your three evidence-based journal articles in correct NLM format


***Don’t forget to attach your 3 full-text articles as PDFs to the assignment so I can approve them for your final project.


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