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[SOLVED] Assignment:  An analysis of a Learning Community

Assignment:  An analysis of a Learning Community

This project requires you to do an analysis of any particular type of social media that you are interested in and express your position on how that particular social platform can contribute to learning. How can it assist to personalize your learning experiences?
This project requires you to consider social media as a means of learning in a community, not merely communicating.
Your analysis may be guided by the following key questions:
How we can learn through social media?
What kind of learning happens on social media such as Twitter or YouTube?
How do people teach on these platforms?
What kind of social media is appropriate for different types of learning, such as discussion, production or practice?
This is a group work assignment and I strongly recommend you create your group based on your interest, e.g. Short-form videos on TikTok, long-form ones on YouTube, or blogging. Explore your favourite one and explain how it can support developing a personal learning network.
!You must!
1. Include a brief introduction about the selected social media platform at the beginning of the document.
2. Express your position on how that particular social platform can be integrated into the learning context and how it can be used in educational settings.
3. Describe how the selected platform can facilitate various types of learning, such as discussion, production or practice.
4. Describe the teaching possibilities that the specific platform can provide you with. How teaching experiences can be enriched via social media.
5. Fluent development of content without spelling mistakes and grammar issues is expected. Use transitional sentences which guide readers through the ideas.
6. Consistent citation style throughout the paper scholarly resources.


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