[SOLVED] Age Discrimination Under the Human Rights

[SOLVED] Age Discrimination Under the Human Rights

Research Paper Age Discrimination Under the Human Rights



The objective of this assignment is to allow you to explore a legal topic of interest more fully. You are required to write a relatively short research paper (ten pages – double spaced) on a legal topic of your choosing.
“If I had an hour to solve a problem and my life depended on the solution, I would spend the first 55 minutes determining the proper question to ask, for once I know the proper question, I could solve the problem in less than five minutes.” –Albert Einstein
This is an opportunity to go deeper on a topic of interest to you. It should not summarize a topic that we have covered in this course. To write a good paper, it is critical to craft a narrow, focused research question. Examples of appropriate research questions are:
How do the courts of British Columbia treat waivers at ski resorts?
How is trademark law in Canada applied to the fashion industry?
What do businesses need to know about age discrimination under the Human Rights Code in British Columbia?

Your topic must be a legal topic that engages business in some way. For example, an inappropriate research topic would be on divorce law in Canada.


APA format.
Ten pages, excluding title page and references.
Letter-size paper. Do not use A4.
NOTE: This is a legal research paper. You are not conducting qualitative or quantitative research. Therefore, you do not need sections for abstracts, literature reviews, or methodology.


The paper is worth 25% of your overall course evaluation. While this is not meant to be an onerous assignment, high quality of research and writing is expected. You will be evaluated on both the strength of your research, including relevant case law and secondary sources (no wiki or Wikipedia) and the quality of writing. See the attached grading rubric for further guidance on evaluation criteria.


Your sources should be documented in your paper. APA style citations and reference lists are required.


What follows is a list of common mistakes that I see in research papers. It is not an exhaustive guide on preparing or writing your paper.

Every piece of data, information, thought, or statement that is not your own in origin must be cited using APA format.
Use headings. This helps the reader understand the organization and flow of the paper.
The introduction is critical and should establish the topic or question you are examining in your paper, the importance of your topic, and how the paper will be organized/structured.
There is rarely, if ever, a need to use an exclamation point in academic writing. Do not do it.
Emotional appeals are discouraged. Your arguments and analysis of the topic should be founded in research (case law, academic publications and texts), applied business experience and reason/logic.

Research Paper Grading Rubric:
Element *Description Evaluation
Introduction Provides clear and compelling context for the legal and/or management issue. Provides reader with cues for how issue will be addressed in the presentation. 5

Organization Follows logical progression from introduction by organizing key points around major themes. 5

Development & Analysis Follows logical progression. Evidence and examples that support and illuminate key points are provided. Issue is developed and analysed in the context of the central goals and, where applicable, administrative functions of management. 5

Evaluation and Conclusion Summarizes key aspects of secondary research relative to management issue. Appraises overall contribution of current research or case law to research question. Makes defensible recommendations and/or critical analysis regarding management and/or legal dilemma. 5
Overall Presentation

Writes coherently and concisely. Adheres to principles of grammar and appropriate use of punctuation. Appropriately uses graphics (if applicable.) References follow APA formatting guidelines. 5
Level 5- Outstanding: Expectations exceed Level 4 descriptors providing implications for the
field of international business as a whole
Level 4- Distinguished: Meets stated expectations demonstrating depth of thought & insight
Level 3- Good: Meets all 5 elements comprehensively with minimal oversight and/or error
Level 2- Satisfactory: Generally covers elements but with several errors or omissions
Level 1- Poor/Below Average: Major aspects of elements not sufficiently developed
Level 0- Unacceptable: Assignment guidelines generally not followed


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