[SOLVED] African American literature
African American literature This should be a research essay that clearly reflects / references one or more of the texts, concepts, and / or issues we have been studying this semester. You are free, however, to bring these concepts and issues to texts other than those we have been studying. For example, in your coursework as an English Major you may have become interested in a particular period, a particular writer or group of writers, and / or a particular subfield within literary study—for example, African American literature, Latinx literature, Native American / indigenous literatures. You may have become interested in a particular approach to the analysis of literary texts—for example, law and literature, Feminism, Post-Colonialism, Ecocriticism.
Your Preliminary Proposal should offer a clear description of your specific [not general] topic and should make a clear connection to our work on survivance and related concepts this semester. You must get my approval to proceed from the Proposal to the final product. See the separate Guidelines for the Preliminary Proposal.
Some Potential General Topics
A. A comparative analysis of three texts by Native American authors in which you provide an extensive definition of “survivance” and go on to examine the similarities and differences regarding the manifestation of that concept in your chosen texts.
B. A comparative analysis of the manifestation of survivance in three texts that were not written by Native American authors. Here you would have to adapt and / or abstract from the standard definitions of survivance to address the particular injustices, aspects of cultural genocide, and other obstacles faced by the chosen authors.
C. A comparative analysis of the manifestation of survivance in three texts by authors of different ethnic and racial backgrounds (Native American, African American, Latinx, Asian American, …). Here you would have to adapt and / or abstract from the standard definitions of survivance to address the particular injustices, aspects of cultural genocide, and other obstacles faced by the chosen authors.
D. Museum representations of Native American culture in the context of survivance.
E. Form and Content: The manifestation of survivance through the purposeful mixture of genres (for example, poetry and prose) in three texts.
F. Master Tropes: The use of metaphor or irony as a tool for survivance in three texts.
General Requirements
Due Dates: Your Preliminary Proposal is due 11/20/21—
Your Final Draft is due 12/17/21
Length: Minimum = 2000 words Maximum = 2500 words
Secondary Sources: Minimum}
1 book (edited or single-authored) published after 2000
+ 5 journal articles and / or book chapters (peer reviewed)
Sources on our syllabus do not count toward these minimums.
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