[SOLVED] A Model of Three Faults

[SOLVED] A Model of Three Faults

A Model of Three Faults

A+Model+of+Three+Faults+Lab (3)
Background Information: Faults are often (but not always) found near plate boundaries. Each type of
fault is often related to specific types of plate movements.
• Normal faults are often associated with divergent boundaries.
• Thrust faults are often associated with convergent boundaries.
• Strike-slip faults are often associated with transform boundaries.
The stresses and strains in the earth’s upper layers have many causes: thermal expansion and
contraction, gravitational forces, solid-earth tidal forces, specific volume changes because of mineral
phase transitions, etc. Faulting is one of the various manners of mechanical adjustment or release of
such stress and strain.
Scissors Fault Model Color pencils
Construction paper Glue Stick
1. Color the fault model according to the color key.
2. Paste or glue the fault model onto a piece of construction paper.
3. Cut out the fault model and fold each side down to form a box with the drawn features on top.
4. Tape or glue the corners together. This box is a three dimensional model of the top layers of the
Earth’s crust.
5. The dashed lines on your model represent a fault. Carefully cut along the dashed lines. You will end
up with two pieces..
Coloring Key
Rock Layer – X: light green Rock Layer – Z: red Road: black Grass: dark green
Rock Layer – Y: yellow River: blue Railroad tracks:
Modeling the Faults:
Normal Fault:
1. Locate points A and B on your model.
2. Move point B so that it is next to Point A.
3. Observe your model from the side (its cross-section).
4. Draw the normal fault as represented by the model you have just constructed.
Questions: Please use complete sentences in your answers.
1. Which way did point B move relative to point A?
2. What happened to rock layers X, Y and Z?
3. Are the rock layers still continuous?
4. What likely happened to the river? The road? The railroad tracks? Explain your answer.
Thrust Fault:
1. Locate points C and D on your model.
2. Move Point C next to point D.
3. Observe the cross-section of your model.
4. Draw the thrust fault as represented by the model you have just constructed.
1. Which way did point C move relative to point D?
2. What happened to rock layers X, Y and Z?
3. Are the rock layers still continuous?
4. What likely happened to the river? The road? The railroad tracks? Explain your answer.
Strike-slip Fault:
1. Locate points F and G on your model.
2. Locate points F and G on your model.
3. Move the pieces of the model so that point F is next to point G.
4. Draw an overhead view of the surface as it looks after movement along the fault.
1. If you were standing at point F and looking across the fault, which way did the block on the opposite
side move?
2. What happened to rock layers X, Y, and Z?
3. Are the rock layers still continuous?
4. What likely happened to the river? The road? The railroad tracks? Explain your answer.

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